The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

MONDAY MORNING THE SHREVEPORT TIMES DECEMBER 20, 1915 West End- -Allendale BY MRS. J. E. MAYO. Peyton's Drug Store, 1872 Texas Ave.

News Headquarters. Residence Phones Old 174, Nan 1368 Roth Christmas Exercises, The Christmas exercises of the r. Texas Avenue Methodist Church will be given on Thursday evening in the church auditorium. An Interesting program will be rendered. The public is cordially invited to attend.

Rook Social. The rook party on Friday afternoon, given at the K. of P. hall on West Texas avenue, under the auspices of the ladies' auxiliary of the B. of R.

was one of the many pleasant affairs which have been given during the past Mrs. year J. by B. the orderas awarded the favor for high score. Mre.

A. H. Kenyon received the admission prize, and a dainty favor. Mra. Holly a Lowe was consoled with To Give Christmas Tree.

The Christmas tree and exercises at the Queensborough Methodist Church will be given on Christmas eve, December 24. A real Santa Claus will be present to amuse the little folks and entertain the crowd. The program will consist of songs, recitations and musical selections. The public is cordially invited to attend. Remains of Luther Davis City.

The remains of Luther Davis, the brakeman on the K. C. S. Road, who died in Lake Charles from injuries sustained Friday night, near De Quincy, reached the city Sunday morning, and were taken to his late home at 1604 Allen avenue. The funeral arrangements had not been completed Sunday evening.

awaiting the arrival of his father from Birmingham. The services will be conducted from the residence Monday. The remains will be forwarded to Birmingham, for interment, leaving the city over the 3:15 S. and P. train Monday afternoon.

Ratchiff. A quiet wedding was solemnized Saturday evening at the horne of Mr. and Mra. O. L.

Scarborough in West College street, when their brother, Mr. R. E. Scarborough, was married to Miss Dovie Ratcliff. Rev.

J. H. Strother, pastor of the Queensborough Baptist Church, performed the ceremony in the presence of a few close friends and relatives. The bride was attired in, a stylish CONFERENCE CLOSES WITH ASSIGNMENTS Bishop Connor Advises Newly: Made Negro Methodist Deacons. Yesterday was a big day among the colored people.

It was the closing of the North Louisiana African Methodist conference which has been in session since last Wednesday, presided over by Bishop J. M. Connor of Little Rock. There were delegates attending from all the surrounding towns in the state, and a large number from Texarkana and Marshall, Texas. The services opened at 9 o'clock Saturday morning with a model Sunday school conducted by the Rev.

I. B. Granderson of Alexandria, and then followed the sermon by Bishop J. M. Connor.

It was his first sermon in Shreveport and many people were anxious to hear him. sermon was scholarly and full of good information as well as advice to the young men who were ordained deacons. During the afternoon, Rev. F. R.

C. Durden preached and following the sermon, Bishop Connor assigned the ministers as follows: Assignments to Charges. Oakdale district--C. Powell, presiding elder: Leesville, M. C.

Taylor: Oakdale, H. A. Belin; Fullerton and Camp Five. J. Fleax: Camps 7, 8, 9 and 10.

W. S. Wootsey; Rose Pine, Pine Wood, John Mack: De Ridder and Elizabeth. F. Nelson; Missionary, H.

M. Madison. Shreveport district--D. B. Reynolds, presiding elder: Shreveport, F.

D. Lampton; Alexandria, I. B. Granderson: Mansfield, to supplied; Natchitoches, J. D.

Brown: Lena, J. R. Powe: St. Paul, W. Brown; Shreveport circuit, J.

M. Brown: West Shreveport. H. J. Thomas: Cedar Grove, Wm.

Harris: a Frierson. Jeff Adams: South Mansfield, F. R. Butler: P. Jackson: Woodsworth, I.

one WilHunter, Wm. Cato: Turner Chapel, T. liam: Norma, I. M. Williams; Allendale, T.

A. Jenkins; Fairfield. George Jones, Hosston, J. A. Warford; Gans, J.

A. Carter: Alexandria Mission, G. T. Sims. an siding Monroe elder: district--A.

Bonita; J. A. Thomas, Gibson: preJones circuit. M. S.

Arnold: Dillis, C. B. Butler: Simms, Shiloh and Mongham, Ed Harney: Charlieville, to be supplied: Monroe. M. H.

Wells: Rayville, Dunn H. B. Roberson: ton and St. Mary, W. McNeal: Baskin.

W. Williams; Long Pine, N. W. Tigna: conference missionary, J. L.

Elbert: state missionary, Lettie M. Channell: Bastrop, to be supplied; Winsboro and Gilbert. to be supplied. Minden district- Willis, presiding elder: Minden, J. Jackson: Princeton.

E. E. Matthews: Elm Grove, D. E. Lawson: Colfax.

L. B. Butler: Pineville. A. D.

Redding: Selena, to he supplied: Rochelle, Robert Evans: Trout. A. B. Brown: Columbia, to be supplied; Arcadia, D. S.

Evans: Truxno, to be supplied: Homer, J. D. Lee: Cotton Valley, F. 0. Neal: Mucks Payou, D.

F. Lawson: evangelist. W. S. Daniels: missionary, T.

Jackson. Lake Providence district- -8. J. Channell, presiding elder: Oak Grove. J.

R. Brown: Shelburn, M. F. Patterson: Lake Providence. H.

Walker: Lake Providence W. L. Debro: Omega. W. E.

Bisho: Thomastown, A. Isler: Tallualh. P. J. Melvin; AshJ.

FT. Locket: Newellton. A. Willis: St. Joseph, A.

Pullen: Vidalia, to be supplied: Bougere, to be supplied: Lamar, G. W. Richardson: Waterproof, to be supplied: Damek, to he supplied: district missionary, Ellen Mitchell: Waverly. J. H.

Smith. The next session will be held in Bonita. GENERAL A SUICIDE. Romanian Commander Is Charged Beine Bribed by Powers, Geneva. via London.

Dec. 19 (7:15 p. newspapers received here announce the suicide of General Gonesco. commanding the sscond Romanian army corps. According to the story the general was suspected of having been bribed hr one of the powers.

The minister of war ordered an inquiry and his pistons he sent tiro officers to inform General Gonesen of the result of the investiration. Tiro hours later General Genesco killed himself. with old of loans file made on prices river have and new. Furnitare diamonds and in sult mules: old care or 350 FOR SALE 8875.00 PIANO, good condition, 860. Box 485; phone 2307.

353 355 MULES. METES, MULES Just recetved two car loads young come now wed get your pick; to all; 50 bead in all. W. R. Caldwell, 1020 Texas avenue; old phone 07.

353-350 GROCERY and meat market, Lenabulg. sickness reason for selling, Particulars, 1720 Maple, Shreveport. 358 FOR SALE- Office furniture; leaving town; act quickly; 506 Continental Bank phone 1085. 838-800 13 SHARES Louisiana State Life Insurance Co. stock, $10.00 per share, Dr.

Sanderson, Hutchinson Bldg. 358 558 SODA FOUNTAIN 12-toot outfit, all marble counter, latest Iceless pump system; used only a short time; good a8 new: located at De Kidder, including electric carbonator, tables and chairs bargain; small cash payment down, balance easy monthly payments. B. V. Hill, Box 1084, Dallas, Texas.

363-362 8,000 REJECTED ties at Creosoting Plant, for sale at de each; splendid for tence poete or wood. Call old phone 1399. 353 359 LILO0 RIDGE FARM-147 acres, three-fourths mile from town, on main line Burlington Railway; coast to coast auto road runs by the farm; orchard, vineyard, two sets pumps; 65 acres fall plowed: 7 acres timber, balance Blue Grass pasture, timothy, clover: good, rich land; Southerfi lowa, Lucas county, want Improved farm, Red river valley, or Monroe, or Ruston, 1.a. J. B.

Comstock, Lucas, Iowa. 338 35 1 FOR SALE- Timber, two million feet pine, one million feet gum, one million feet oak: rallroad switch in center of land, timber all within mile of station; might buy small mill; prefer to sell stumpage. Address Dr. P. M.

Payne, Redwater, Texas, 358-359 I FOR SALE-13 acres, two miles Shreveport, new house; all cultivation; cheap, easy terme; 190 acres. good house and outbuildings, public road through pince; white neighbors; 160 cleared and cultivated, third cash. balance 1200 terms. Louisiana Land and Immigration Com pany, Youree Hotel Bldg. 852-354 ONE three-gallon Jersey cow, one young threegallon cow and calf, one horse.

Old phone 279 and 242. 852-354 ONE of the best paying drug stores in the North Louisiana oil fields; Itexall Agency: annual sales invoice cash or bankable paper only considered. Write Rexall, care Times. 350-14 ALL or part of furnishings of eleven rooms; best of locations, one block of postoffice: house for rent. Old phone 1008.

350-356 FIVE ROOM house, corner lot, ofte block of Highland car line, within walking distance of toWn, or will consider trade in on a 40 to 60- acre farm, on or near model road, within four miles of Shreveport, Caddo ot Bossier. care Times. 350-354 FOR SALE -Or rent, 160-acre Red river farm, with fire-room residence and tenant houses; on Natchitoches branch of Texas and P'acific Railroad. For further information, address The Hicks Company, Sbreveport, La. 350-359 FOR SALE -No.

1 pure Lespedeza hay, $12.00 ton; No. 2 mixed Bermuda and Lespedeza, $10.00 ton. Address Weaks Supply Monroe, La. 849-335 650 HEAD of mixed stock cattle on Pearce plantation at Belcher, on Wednesday, December 22. at 1 o'clock p.

In. The cattle are in three pastures, so necessary to come ahead of time to Inspect them. For further information see The Hicks Company, Shreveport, La. 349-355 SIX ROOM cottage on lot 40x180; good location on back end of lot, which is ouly 150 feet from Texas avenue, for garage or tenant house; price $4,500, on easy terms. Apply on premises, No.

758 Christian. 349-355 CHINA painters' and artists' materials, also A superb line of china for palating. Hearne Dry Goods Company. 351-356 80 ACRES -and. five miles of Minden, $10.00 per acre; terms.

Box 07, Blanchard, La. 351-358 DIAMOND. pure white, perfect, $300.00 cash. Box No. 522, Jefferson, Texas.

351 358 FOR SALE--One house and lot in the center of the oll field, Lenzburg, La. Apply E. S. Stothart, Lenzberg, or J. A.

Sledge, Castor, La. 345-5 WANTED- Everything in home cooking line for Saturday market, at Woman's Exchange; small commission charged; 701 Jordan; old phone 3686. 335-364 PAYING business in live town, consisting two pool tables, soda fountain, drugs, cigars, barber shop, $1.100.00 cash. Address Business. care Times.

345-360 FOR SALE One boiler. 60x16, In first -class condition, price five or six good log wagons. $25.00 to $50.00 each. PorterWadley Lumber Company, Texarkana, Ark. 844-357 FOR FALE condition, log wagons.

One boiler. 60x16. in first -class price five or six good $25.00 to $50 each. 343-356 WANT to hear from all owners of Ford cars, who destre to trade their cars for all up-todate car with starter and lights. Box 1093, City.

348-357 FOR SALE-14 shares Lonisiana Oil Refining Company stock, $75.00 per share. Ring old phone 2335. 848-354 WILL build new homes to suit. The choicest lots in the city. Glad to show you.

No trouble to answer questions, See Thos. A. Jordan, owner, 523 Market street; phones 1006. 322-f. PIPE.

PIPE. drilling maentnery, 20- pumps and say mill machinery of every description; also pipe for water, oil or gas; we buy scrap metal and rubber. Shreveport Tru end Metal 9. Bender, Manager: largest in the state. 190-tf.

FOR hargaina in furniture, stovea, tents, Marks Meyer 1825 27 Texas evenne. 198-tr. FOR RENT- -HOUSES FOR -Three house, Union Square. elecen dollars a month; possession January 1, 3291 old phone. 353-355 FIVE ROOM house, $20 per month; No.

2543 Edwards street. Apply 2641 James street, Union Square. 332 354 FURNISHED or unfurnished, eight-room. twostory house. 2605 Greenwood road; ail convenfences.

Old phone 778. 349-355 TEN-ROOM furnished house, walking distance; Iti block of four car lines; modern; reasonable, Oid phone 2487. 249-355 SIX -ROOM house: modern conveniences: 517 Stoner avenue. Ring old phone 2717. 834 ONE five-room cottage, $16 per month: all conventences, No.

811 Pierre avenue. Apply C. M. Clinton, old phone 1815. 351-837 UP DATE, new two-story, six -room apartment, front, Highland avenue.

Old phone 65. 350 336 FOUR ROOM honse and hall. 927 Cole: all modern Improvements: possession at otice. Apply Chas. Jouett, phones 576.

344-8 BOTSES for sent. N. B. Stoer. Real Estate Rental Agent.

both phones 911; 214 Ward 819-tr. FOR SALE -REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. 2016-18 Texas avenue, two story brick building with 30 feet frontage. Texas street, two-story brick building with 22 feet frontage, 851 East College, fire rooms, all conveniences; lot 30x143, one block Fairfield car line. 231 Wall street, five rooms, all conveniences, pared street, one block Highland car line.

lots. corner Stevens and Wichita street: sidewalks, sewerage, half block Highland car line. Several pieces good colored revenue property. LOUISIANA ESAFEMAND DEVELOP. MEAT, 338 885 AGENTS WANTED BOOKER T.

WASHINGTON dead: two mean rial editions of bfs life; one written by Doctor Washington himself, price one by Frederick E. Drinker. price ode dollar: each complete story of his life: our books contain full report of his sickness. death, murtal and memorial exercises held at Tuskegee, Sunday. December 12th.

We are center of South: can get books to you instantly by express prepaid; credit given; beautifel outfits that get the Ibess; Agents wanted; order outfit of Four ebotee both thirty R. each fifteen cents cents. Phillips Peblishing Atlanta. Ga. 853 333 WANTED TO RENT TO RENT--Red plantation, from 100 to 300 open: must necessary improsem*nts: gin.

implements one stork M. Martin. Heflin, Address Jackson, Shreveport, SHORT Address right price. Times. UPHOLSTERING EPHOI STERING furniture repairing: old furniture We clean carpets and rugs.

Brewer phone 1226. Out wagon zone everywhere. 325-tt 356 D. clear debt one. nit or ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CITY NUDGE.

The Times 089 autnorized to announce that Judge L. C. Blanchara 1a a candidate tor re-election to the office et city judge of Fourth Ward of Caddo Parish, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. To The Times. You will pleasa announce mi me candidate for the office of City Judge of the City of Shreveport, subject to the will of the Democratic party, to be expressed by the voters of the Fourth Ward of Caddo Pariso in the pest geceral Democratic primates.

Yours very truly, CAL D. HICKS berewith anuounce wy candidacy for City Juige of Shrereport subject to the wishes of the Democratic primary. DAVID B. SAMUEL FOR CITY MARSHAL. hereny andonnce may candidacy tor the office of City Marshal of the City of Shreveport, subjet to the action of the city Democratic ptimary.

HAL M. GATTI. The Times in authorized to ennounca W. City of Shreveport, subject to the action the Otte as candidate for City Marshal of the Democratic primary, hereby my candidacy for City Marshal, subject to the will of the Democratic party, HENMAN STRUBE. FOR SHERIFY.

I take this method of announcing my candlday for and Tar Collector of Cadde Parish, subject to the will of the Democratio Votere, 1a the coming primary, T. R. take this method 04 andouncing my candi dacy for Sheritt and ex Officio TAX Collector of Cando Parian, subject to tae will of tie Democratte expreseed IS 100 Democratic primaries. B. 4.

HOLLINGSWORTH. 1 bereby of announce mysell candidate for Sheriff Gaddo Parish, subject to the will of tile Democratic voters at Democratic pre wary danuary, 1916. GRONSE F. GERALD. hereby announce my candidacy for aberirt for the pariah of Caddo, subject to the will of the Democratic voters in the coming primary election.

V. C. NAGEL. Keithrille, La. FOR CLERK OF COURT.

To Voters of Caddo Parish. Having been elected by the people of C'adda Pariah to the Office of Clerk of Court, 10 montha ago to fill AD poexpired term of office. announce myself as a candidate for amid office to succeed wssell. for the regular terai. sublect to the of the Democratic I to De held January, 1846.

8. 0. WILLIAM3. Clerk of Court. 1 herewith announce my candidacy for clerk of the dietrict court, subject to the will of the Democratie voters of the Parish of Caddo.

JOHN M'CCLLOUGH. FOR ASSESSOR. You will please AGDOUnCe me as A candidate for the office of TAx Assessor of Caddo Parish, subject to the action of the Democratic prime.ry to be held January 25, 1916. UNO. W.

A. JETBR. I hereby announce ILy candidacy for assessor for the Parish of Caddo, subject to the will of the Democratic voters in the coming primary election. D. E.

NICHOLSON. I hereby announce my candidacy for assessor of the Parish of Cadado, subject to the will of the Democratic majority. B. J. CONCER.

1 wish to announce my candidacy for assessor of Caddo parish, subject to the decision of the Democratic voters, expreased in the primaries. J. P. FLOORNOY, SR. FOR CORONER.

herewith my CA DO for office of Coroner of Caddo Parian, subject (o the appreral of the Democratic voters. UK. WILLIS P. BUTLER. Babject to the wIll the Democratic mafority.

wish to announce my candidacy for Coroner of the Par inS of Caddo. DE. BANDALL BUNT. FOR POLICE JURY. The Times is authorized to announce the didacy of William E.

Glassell for member of the Caddo Parish Police Jury, Ward Four, subject to the Democratic party. FOR STATE SENATOR. The Times is authorized to announce the candidacy of Hon. Leon R. Smith for renomination in tue Democratic primasy of January 25, next, 88 member of the State Senate from Caddo parish.

FOR REPRESENTATIVE The Times 1s authorized to announce W1111A NE (Dick) Sebastian As a candidate for ative from Caddo in the lower house of the General Assembly, subject to the of the voters In the Democratic primary of January 1916 Sbreveport Times, Shreveport, Please announce my candidacy for the Legielature, subject to the will of the voters, in the Democratic primary to be beld January 25, 191d. Yours. J. S. DOUGLAS, Dixie, La.

I hereby announce my candidacy for the leg subject to the will of the voters in the Democratic primary to be held January 25, 1916. J. W. BISTON. Please announce my candidacy for the State Legislature, subject to the will of the voters the Democratic primary to be held January 25, 1916.

Yours truly, J. E. MURRAY. WANTED TO TAKE care of piano for its use: private home; references furnished, Address Box 606 City. 353-359 TO TAKE in private bome, one or more children to board; best of care; prices reasonable.

Addrees J. C. care Times. 333-355 WANTED- Sewing by the day. Phone No.

673. 350-356 DON'T forget your piano: have it tuned for Christmas. Terry N. Harper, old 1611. 849 353 MRS.

J. M. ELMORE. manager for Nu- Bone Corset; corsetieres wanted; fitting parlor at residence; satisfaction guaranteed; 2714 Stonewan, old phone 1516. 330-tr.

NU BONE CORSET--Triple wire stays; made to measure; fittings guaranteed. Mire, W. A. Garrett. corsetiere.

2934 Barrett street. old 2443: new 411. 331 360 GAS stores repaired, good as new: good work or nO pay; 1814 Walnut street; old phone 2439. 351-16 HAVE client who wants 810,000, five Fears, per cent. on Shreveport business property worth $30,000.

Jno. B. Files, 331-357 -Teams to haul logs by contract: hitt country: monthly pay days; supples reasonable: log camp thirty miles north of here. Apply at camp or office. Pine Belt Lumber Company, Fort Towson, Okla.

351-357 lumber yard man: must he capable of managing yard In city and hold trade, middle age and steady; to others need apply. Answer Teras Lumber 1'. 0. Box 1097. 351-357 WE WANT to bear from all Ford owners, who desire to own a car with self starter neil electrie lights.

Wray Dickinson Company. 348 357 To borrow at once, $300.00 en good collateral. Address P. 0. Box 924, Shrereport, LA.

348-354 OIL LANDS OIL LAND! CADDO PARISH In proven territory. Unusual opportulty. Quick action necessary. Ten 5-acre tracts at 8750 per tract. NOT UNDER LEASE.

MEYER EISEMAN. 216 Baronne St. New Oriens. 845-354 OIL, leases wanted in proven Caddo ofl fields: will drill at once. Sap or write 118.

Aiken Stephens, Ward Shrevepott. La, 350 356 FOR LEASE- 30.000 the Red tire: fleid: the Globe Lumber Company's lands come and see me. Martio. Agent: elf pbone 43 American Bank Bidg 166-tt FOR SALE OR TRADE LARGE two story colonial residence. 0D four acres, now need for hotel in a town of one thousand population.

being the parish seat; good schools and churches: attractive to any wishing botel business and to eincate their PREF terms, trade for Shreveport property or land near Shreteport. 014 phone 1059 331-357 HAVE one hundred seres nf Ian 1. to P. Rallroad and near Tate Bistenean. of and a good wildcat price 86 at acre, or will trade for automobile equal value, Address Box City.

899 WANTED TO BORROW 88. 730.00 for two or three rears: good curity. Address K. B. F.

cere Times. WANTED -To borrow. $2.000. one. two, three rears, per cent; gilt edge collateral.

B. J. Me. to J. crew ton free or on colored.

no 543 15. catalogue 319 our machines 355 about I. S. 1 SHOOTINGS NEAR MANSFIELD Dil Field Worker Killed and F. N.

Williams Shot. Special to The Times. Mansfield, Dee. 19. a shootInK scrape, which occurred near here vesterday, F.

N. Williams 19 in the hospital at Shreveport with a bullet hole through his lung, and Charley Burk, who did the shooting, is in the parish 1 jail. Williams, the wounded man, claimed some few days agO, Burke held him up and took some money from him, and that yesterday, when he saw him he asked Burke for the return of same and as a result fight took place with the result above stated. Burke was arrested by Sheriff Smith and Deputy C. P.

Williams. Homicide in Oil Fields. This morning at the Standard camp, near Naborton, another shooting took place, in which an oil field worker Tarver was shot and killed by another worker named Frank Smith. It seems that "wine, women and song' were mixed up in this deal, and detalls are meager, but the 1 man who did the killing captured by the same officers and both Burke and Smith are in the parish jail. Snell Admitted to Bar.

Mr. T. A. Snell has returned from New Orleans, where he went before the supreme court and successfully passed the examination which permits him to practice in Louisiana. He will locate in Mansfield.

CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR HEAD HERE WEDNESDAY Karl Lehman to Lecture Twice at the First Presbyterian Church. Great interest has awakened in local Christian Endeavor societies, occasioned by the coming of Karl Lehman, southwestern field secretary of the Christian Endeavor. Mr. Lehman will be at First Presbyterian church Wednesday afternoon and evening. great rally of all the Christian Endeavor societies of the city is to held in the church at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening which all active members and those older in years are urged to attend.

A special invitation is issued to all members of the various Epworth Leagues of the city and the members of the Baptist Young People's The arrangements for Mr. Lehman's stay in Shreveport are in charge of the societies of the Dunlap Memorial and First Presbyterian churcheg, Webb's School House, Central Christian Jewella, and the Young People's Society of the First Presbyterian church. One feature of the rally will be a musical program in which all of the organizations will be represented. American Tonnage Is Largest in U.S. History Washington, Dec.

19. American shipyards have under construction now more vessels than ever before were building in the United States, to add to an American merchant marine whose gross tonnage already is the largest in the country's history, said a report issued today by the commissioner of navigation. Ninety-eight merchant vessels of more than 3,000 tonnage each are beIng built or are under contract. These with many small vessels being constructed have a total tonnage of 511. The total tonnage of ships under the American flag, numbering 26,888 December 1, was 8.444,258, a net gain of more than 50.000 tons since July.

There was a net gain of 187 ships, despite 272 vessels lost, abandoned and sold to aliens. Twenty-three came under the American flag from foreign registry and 436 were completed in shipyards. Aitogether 171 foreign vessels have taken American registry under the act of August 14, 1914. Ninety-eight American vessels have been transferred to foreign registry since Augtist. Many big vessels are being built.

Thirteen mentioned the report are of more than 10.000 003 tons. Fortyseven are oil vessels. Turks and Germans Prepare for Invasion of Egypt Very Soon London, Dec. 19 (9:30 p. dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph from Amsterdam says: "It is reported that the Field Marshal von der Goltz, commander-inchief of the first Turkish army, is establishing his headquarters at Aleppo, Syria, where the Turkish and German troops under his command are being equipped for an invasion of Egypt.

Emperor William and the sultan of Turkey have sent Field Marshal von der Goltz messages of good will in which the hope is expressed that his career will soon be crowned with a crushing defeat of the entente allies. "Field Marshal von der Goltz' force consists partly of the Constantinople army corps which is under German officers. The soldiers are armed with Krupp rifles. "Several large corps of German professors are going to Turkey under a three-vear contract to teach the German language." Negro Shot in Chest by Another Black Charley Mickel, a negro, was shot In the chest early Sunday morning by Calvin Taylor, another negro. when Mickel, Taylor told the police, attempted to force an entrance into Taylor's home at 1002 Brooks street.

The Taylor negro has been arrested and is charged with shooting with intent to kill. From what the police have been able to learn, the Mickel negro went to Taylor's home early Sunday morning for the purpose of collecting a $3 debt. Taylor told the police that Mickel attempted to force his war through the door and he shot three times through the glass, one of the bullets striking Mickel. The wound is slight. KEPT HIM WAITING.

The Scotch clergyman creeton Tor for firearms twenty seven sears corernment. was armed years totore it was used FOR RENT- -ROOMS WILL rent two nicely furnished FOOTIE in my home, 2026 Seymore; all conventelces. for $12.00. 358 355 ROOM for one or two gentlemen: conventent to bath, 621 Travis, Old phone 1358. 353 330 FURNISHED room; all modern conveniences, 810 per month; gentlemen only.

Cumberland phone 993. 353 350 ONE to three furnished rooms, door between. Apply 1801, Louisiana, upstairs. 346-10 TWO rooms and reception ball, completely fur nished for light housekeeping; every convenlence; separate entrance; no children; references. 939 old phone.

352 354 FOUR unfurnished rooms, newly papered, fu prirate home; splendid neighborhood; walking distance; take Highland car, get off Vine street. enquire at Shreveport Grocery, 350 354 TWO nicely furnished, light housekeeping rooms; also front bed room, upstairs, 517 Crockett. 850-356 ONE nice room for one or two young men, 754 Christian; 8293, old phone. 840-355 FURNISHED apartments, $3.30. $4.50, housekeeping rooms, 1807 Texas ave Que; new phone 822.

349 378 TO copule, two or three pretty housekeeping rooms, new house, newly furnished, private home: best neighborhood, on Fairfield car line. Old phone 2555. 351-357 ONE nicely furnished, large room, with privilege of bath, 1u private family. 1535 Creswell street; old phone 3028. 351-357 FURNISHED apartment, all conveniences.

Apply at once: 1071 Louisiana avenue. 351-357 NINE rooms above E. A. Gras' store, 546 Common; old phone 895. 345-358 NICELY furnished lignt housekeeping rooms for couple or gentlemen; modern convenfences; private home; 326 Caudo street.

Vid phone 1836. 832-360 THREE furnished or unfurnished rooms, with kitchenette; modern; first floor; 726 Marshall. 348 354 NICELY furniebed housekeeping apartments: strictly sanitary; bot and cold baths; Texas avenue. 848-354 WANTED TO BUY WANTED -Five to thirty million feet standing pine timber. Louisiana Land and Immigration Company.

832-354 WANTED--To buy, 10 to 20 shares Shreveport Building Association, three to five years old. J. 0. B. 350-356 WANTED--To buy two or more live fox squirT.

Douglas, Gilliam, La. 351-357 WANTED--Heavy split hickory spoke billets: we inspect at side track and pay higbest cash prices. The "Hickory' Jones Company, Monroe, La. 343-356 ONE 75-h. p.

boiler. one 00-b. p. engine, one edger, one trimmer, one gummer. Box 80, Kingston, La.

335-9 SECONDHAND office or bank fixtures wanted: must be in A1 condition. Henderson'g Garage, Shreveport, La. 324-tt AIGHEST camb prices paid for stoves and furniture. New phone 201: 1825 Texas avenue, 286-tr. SCRAP metals, rubber, bones.

feed sacks, etc. M. Baron Company, Oakland and Lawrence. Old phone 640. 324-tt.

POSITION WANTED--MALE PLANING mill foreman, 12 years' experience: three sears with present employer; good references; married. Box 17, Reeves, La. 352-365 WANTED position as bookkeeper; preferably position as assistant bookkeeper in wholesale house: have had considerable experience: can give Al references. Bookkeeper 2, care Times. 352-358 REGISTERED pharmacist wants position January 1: 11 years' experience; can manage: good references.

P. 0. Box 472, Winnfield, La. 352-356 ROOMS AND BOARD LARGE, well furnished front room with board. private family; references, 804 Spring, 798 old phone.

353-359 UPSTAIRS room and board, at $22.00 per month. 1726 Park avenue: old phone 2598; new phone 15x1. 352-338 IN PRIVATE boarding house, reasonable; hot and cold bath; 1033 Jordan; old phone 1423. 327-356 OIL STOCK FOR quick sale, 120 shares of Your Shot oil stock at a bargain. Address P.

0. Box 535. 353-355 FOR SALE-10 shares Cotton Queen 011 Company stock. W. L.

Bishop, Campti, La. 351-357 SPECIAL NOTICE. OUR offices have been moved from 515 Marshall street 10 527 Marshall street. in the Ward building. Our growing business has made the change Eecessary.

We are better prepared to serve our customers than ever. Underwood Typewriter Company. 343-857 FOR SALE OR RENT TWO STORY. modern home, on Stoner avenne: will rent furnished or unfurnished. Old phone 2242.

851-354 FOUR- ROOM house. 724 Loutisana. Egan: modern. Apply -Charlie Jouett, 1301 353-17 WANTED---ROOM AND BOARD WANTED -BF a couple, a well furnished room. with private bath and board.

in private family; must be high-class; on Fairfield, Stoner or Jordan. B. C. Times. 333-355 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES H.

C. CRAVY, contractor for house and raising: all kinds of heary work, 1029 Highland avenue: old phone 3187. 339 3 PROFESSIONAL J. B. HEROLD- -LAWYER.

No. 225 Ward Building. 352-17 K. C. S.

Ry. Holiday Fares Kansas City, $22.45 St. Louis, $22.30 Chicago, $37.30 Memphis, $14.34 Also to Southeastern States. December 21, 12, 23; Return Limit January 18th. To all stations on K.

C. S. Ry. in Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas and Arkansas. and to stations on connecting lines in Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.

One and a third fare round trip. Minimum four cents per mile. Selling dates, Dec. 18, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 31st; limit, January 5. J.


A. W. W. WARINC UNDERTAKER. Telephones: Store, $20: rest.

fence 995. Orders for Coffins tended to Day or Night. Waring Bidg, Edwards Street. Loyal Order of Moose. Shreveport Lodge No.

501, meets ever ToedAR.V evening nt o'clock, at the Opera House building. Visiting brothers, especially invited to attend. Also minke yourselt at home in club FOOTS at your convenience. Sam La Yard, dies tator; T. J.

Pennington, secretary, Box 615. MASONIO DIRECTORY. wedding dress of midnight blue, with hat and gloves to harmonize, and carried a bouquet of roses. Mr. and Mrs.

Scarborough remained in the city until Saturday, the guests and Mrs. Scarborough. when they left for Natchitoches, where they will spend several months with the bridegroom's parents at their plantation home, have the congratulattons and wishes of their many friends for a long and happy married life. PERSONALS. Norman Scarborough was a visitor in the city Saturday evening, having come up to attend the SearboroughRateliff wedding.

V. N. Potts is improving from an illness at the Schumpert Sanitarium. Mrs. Eugene Hammett and children of Campti have returned home, after a visit to Mrs.

0. L. Scarborough of West College street. James Brown of Ada street is able to be out after an illness of la grippe. the week -end her aunt, Miss Violet Talon, Minden was of Mrs.

Thomas Pendergast, of Division avenue. Mrs. G. W. Barnes of Division avenue is improving from a recent illness.

Claude E. Valentine and little daughter, Ruby, of Reynolds street will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives at Jeanerette, La. Rev. E. K.

Shults of 1540 Division avenue has sufficiently recovered from his recent illness to be able to fill his regular appointments at the Parkview Baptist church yesterday. Mrs. L. E. Barr of New Fall, is the guest of Mrs.

E. G. Watson of West College street, while en route to points in Texas to visit relatives. Mrs. E.

W. Coleman of Southern avenue is at home from the Schumpert Sanitarium and is doing nicely. Doswell Guillatt of Virginia avenue will this morning for Marion, resume his studies in the preparatory school. Mr. Guillatt was called home by the death of L.

P. CharmaDay of Bear Creek has returned home, after visiting her daughter. Mrs. E. N.

Coleman. Miss Ida Robertson has returned from Homer, where she visited her parents. She is feeling much improved after a rest and will resume her duties. Mrs. 'L.

P. Chapman of Virginia avenue is confined to her home by illness. Miss Fannie Mize is confined to her home by illness of la grippe. Mr. a and Mrs.

Marion Mayo of Clinton are preparing to remove to Shreveport to make their future home, expecting to reach here Wednesday. MEMPHIS MAN HELD HERE UNDER SERIOUS CHARGES A. G. Borde Arrested on Complaint of Wilson Lambert. Forgery Charged.

Charges of forgery and obtaining money under false pretenses were filed Sunday night against. Arthur G. Borde, a nattily dressed young man, 24 years old, by Wilson Lambert, manager of the Southern Automatic Music Company of 828 Travis street. Borde came to Shreveport from Memphis and he has been here two weeks. The forgery charge, it is said, grew out of contract which had been prepared by Borde and which stated that he was the authorized agent of the company.

The contract bore the signatures of W. J. Lambert, owned of the music company, and G. B. Hughes, the bookkeeper.

Both signatures, Mr. Lambert said Sunday night, were forgeries. As Detectives Sullivan and Gillespie approached Borde Sunday night to place him under arrest, Borde is said to have stuffed the contract into his mouth to destroy it. The paper was recovered, however. The owner of the music concern met Borde on the train while the two were on their way-to Shreveport from Memphis.

They were soon on friendly terms and shortly after their arrival, Mr. Lambert said, Borde approached him with the request that he cash a draft on Marion Hall of Memphis for $25. The draft was cashed. but was later returned. Sunday morning, Mr.

Lambert said, Borde prepared to leave Shreveport. He presented a check for $50 to Wilson Lambert, it is said, and the check was cashed. Twenty-five dollars was to cover the draft and the other $25 was handed to Borde. Later it was found out, Mr. Lambert said, that Borde had no funds in the bank on which the check had been drawn.

The charges followed. State Fair Directors Choose New Officers A11 members of the board of directors of the State Fair Association are urged to be present at the Chamber of Commerce rooms this afternoon at 4 o'clock when the officers of the association for the ensuing year will take place. NECROLOGICAL. Hall Funeral Today. The funeral of Mrs.

J. C. Hall. who died at her residence, 724 1-2 Milam street Saturday night, after an illness of over fourteen months, will take place from the residence this afternoon at 1:30, Rev. Luke M.

White. rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church, officiating. Friends of the family are invited. Mrs.

Hall. whose husband is an engineer on the Kansas City Southern, had been a resident of Shreveport for the last thirteen years. She is survived by Mr. Hall and a sister, Miss Anna lemmy of Shreveport, and one son, Clarence Hall of Wilmot, Ark. ROOMS AND BOARD ROOM and hoard for gentlemen or couples.

tiro blocks of Post Office, 412 Fannin. 351-16 LOST LOST -Between Stoner And Fairfield avenue, one friendship pin. set with diamonds and pearls. Finder please return to 326 Stoner Ave. nue and receive reward.

334 PERSONALS CET RATE Plumbing Company: all work guaran- 353-17 WANTED TO BUY WANTED good second hand cook stove. Address H. B. King. Plain Dealing, La.

353-334 MONEY TO LOAN SHORT loons on diamonds. or will purchase right price. Address care Times. tr. POSITION WANTED--FEMALE COMPETENT stenographer desires position.

Address G. care Times. 349-333 Scottish Rites Bodies. Meets in Masonic Temple, corner Market and Travis streets. Allen Lodge of Perfection No.

5, menta third Monday ench month. E. H. Bernstein. K.

C. B. V. M. Eureka Chapter, Knights Rove Croix No.

12 meets third Monday each month. W. H. Booth, 829. K.

C. C. preceptor, Caddo Connell Knighte No. meets on third Monday each month. I.

8. Weston, K. C. preceptor. Shreveport Consistory No.

mreta 01 third Monday in each month. R. Berustela, C. C. B.

M. of W. Cheesman, 1. u. secretary of all the bodies.

eareveport York Mite Bodies. eareveport Lodge No. 116. F. A.

meet frat third Thursdays. 8 0.. B. H. Florsheim.

W. 1. L. Stewart, secretary. Lodge No, 179.

F. 4 A. meets first and thint Satur days, 7:30 p. W. C.

Marshall, W. P. W. Goddes, Hutchinson Bldg. first Joppa Lodge No, 862.

F. de d. mecta and third Fridays at 8 p. 181. Wm.

B. Booth, W. A. La Dillon, secretary. Shreveport Chapter R.

A. M. No, 10, meeta on second Monday each month; H. Weston, 2. H.

A. W. Cheesman, secretary. Shreveport Connell No. 23, d.

S. meeta second Monday each month; T. B. Chase, T. A.

W. Cheesman, recorder. Ascension Commander. K. No.

8, meets first Monday each month: W. B. Pyron, N. A. W.

Cheesman, recorder. Knights of Pythias. Calanthe Lodge No. 40. meets Friday Castle Ball, Times Building.

W. Strube. C. 0. F.

Simmora, K. of R. ad Damon Lodge No. Knight of Pything, Monday night at the K. of Hail.

meets every 410 Marshall street: J. W. Bezble, C. C. Travis, keeper of records ond seal.

Visiting members are cordially invited. Louisiana Temple No. 6, Pythian Sisters, Louisiana Temnla No. 6. Pytnian Sisters, the second and fourth Wednesday nights PACD month In K.

of Hall. 410 Marsball street. Mrs. Linemliler. M.

E. Mrs. A. M. Daris, record keeper.

All visiting members cordially invited. Imp. 0. R. M.

Pontine Tribe No. 12 rap. 0. R. meats every Thursday night 10 hall Saenger Temple.

at 8 o'chek. G. L. Rambler. asebem; E.

S. Tiffin. keeper of records. Order of Owls. Shreveport West End Nest.

No. 1673. meeti At the West End K. of P. Hall rotil ment 210 be secured.

Visiting brothera and membere nrged to attend meetings. F. F. Quinn, president pro tom. M.

C. 8. Hotel. United Brotherhood nad J. of Carpenters and Totnera of Amarion.

Local No. 764. moots every Monday evening at 3 o'clock. Labor Temple: J. Moore, ntestent.

2939 Stonewall street: A. C. Jones. recording 1803 Southern arenue; an Mo. secretary.

Connell. financial secretary, No. 1516 Madison avenue, old phone 1105: Binlock, treasarer. 700 Grand avenue, phone 1:98 old. I.

0, 0. F. Shreveport Lodge No. 63, meets first. thirit And fifth Tuesdays 12 Hail Saenger Labor Tembel.

Visiting brothers especially requested to attend. T. Q. MeRady, N. E.

F. Waltlaten, secretary. Silver Lake Encampment No. 12. 1.

0. 0. meets second and fourth Tuesdays in Ball Saenger Labor Temple. Visiting patriarch always welcome and requested to attend. Joe.

E. May. scribe. Neith Lodge, No. 21.

1. 0. 0. F. sneets every Wednesday night.

Texas arente. Visiting brothers are especially invited to attend. A. Autry. N.

E. H. secretary. Knights of Columbus, Shreveport Councir No. 1108 meets every Tuesday evening.

at 8 o'clock. at their hall. 5184 Market stet. Visiting Knights invited. C.

L. Horne, G. C. F. Tobre, F.

8.: C. La Bryant, recording secretary. Order of Railway Conductors. Shreveport Division 179. meets second and fourth Sundays at 2 p.

K. ot P. Hall, 410 Marsball street. Visiting brothers are cordially invited. L.

L. Bigler. chief conductor: J. A. Winchester, secretary and treasurer.

Ladies' Auxiliary to 0. R. Unity Division No. 182, meets every second and fourth TieRdays at 1:30 at K. of P.

Hall, 410 MArshall street. Visiting members cordially invited to attend. President, Mrs. C. A.

Cottiam; secretars. Mrs. Wm. Lindsay. Brotherhood Raitway Clerks.

Shreveport Lodge, No. 97. meets every firat and third Wednesday nights, at 8 o'clock. K. of P.

Hall, No. 410 Marshall street. Visiting brothers are especially Invited to attend. Address all communications to P. 0.

Box 88. Woodmen cf the World. Fidelity Camp No. 571. meets every Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, K.

of P. Ball. Times building. Marshall street. Visiting member cordially invited.

Knights and Ladies of Honor, Knights aud Ladies of Honor. Liberty 3189 meets every Thursday at 8 p. m. in K. of P.

Hall. 410 Marsball street. Visiting members cordially invited. W. B.

Crowder, protector; C. S. Edwards, secretary. Queen Esther Rebekah Lodge No. 14.

Meets every Thursday night in Neith fall. on Texas avenge. Visiting members extended cordial invitation. Miss Jessie Clark. noble grand; Mre.

L. H. Senkosky, secretry, Bricklayers' Union No. of. Louisiana.

B. M. P. I. Meets every first and third Wednesdays of ench month at Saenger Labor Hall.

Horses Noonan, president. C. Kochester, secretary and treasurer, P. 0. Box 974.

old phone 2530. FOR RENT FOR RENT-2500 Hardy street. six rooms, $18.00: 2909 Darien street. seven rooms, $18.00: 8021 Stonewall street, four rooms, 2511 Darien street. six rooms, $18.00.

E. Johnston, 509 Hutebleson Bldg. FOR RENT- -A very destrable cottage: all mortern improvements; in very best neighborboed: possession January 1. Apply either phone 121. or old phone 1010.

333-319 RED river farm. model read. good houses and sifaita. Arthur Mangham, Harris Hotel, City. BUSINESS building, 319 Market street.

very desirable for store or office: best focation In city: will alter and repair to suit desirable tenant: rent reasonable. Phone 1120. 350 356 COLD place at Blanchard. 507 acres of good pasture or farm land: nice residence and barn. For particulars, write to Mrs.

Henry Wartelle, La. 331-300 FOR RENT -Part er 10- cated at 307 Mitam street. American National Bank Fault 411 fixtures. Louisiana Real Estate 811 Dev fopment Company, 307 Milam street. 250 ACRES of land, mostly bottom.

at onable price, J. H. Riggs, Kingston, 339 2 PERSONALS T. 238 store repairer. Old phote heir phone 645.

106 Texas street. GAS stores made new; sati New phone 432; 973 1 service. 184-tr WHITE sewing machines for sale: we and furnish parts for all make machines for rent. Brewer Furniture phone 1226. INFORMATION wanted as to present abonts of Dan Jackson, or other relatives John Jackson, who left sixty Fears ago.

Chas. D. Swanner, Sauta California. 348 WHITE sewing methines for sale: and furnish parts for all make DISc machines for tent. Brewer Furniture Co.

phone 1226. HELP WANTED- MEN- -WOMEN, $25 weakle collecting kinds names and addresses; send stamp. Saperba X245 WANTED- -Men, white and barber trade: wages while Lester So. Barber School. New Orleans, part.

YOUNG wan wanted. traits. Brown News Union Depot. BARBER trade taught by Burton, at Teras Barber College, world's position when competent; plaining; Dalles, Texas. MAN wanted to manage salary and commleston: send cents postage for Germoline 211 street Corpus Christi Tetas.

SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES SHORTHAND taught night by competent practical experience. each student: somber limited. Kaplan College; old telephone 784, 610 Faunin 852-861 838 330-tr. who intented the in 1503 and had to before it was testel by thirts-tita rears before with it and thirty-four in war..

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


What famous person is from Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Earl Poitier. Earl Poitier was born on 16 December 1974 in Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. He is an actor, known for Remember the Titans (2000), Drumline (2002) and Roswell (1999).

What is the white population in Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Population & Diversity

In 2022, there were 1.56 times more Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents (105k people) in Shreveport, LA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 67.5k White (Non-Hispanic) and 4.28k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What was the original name of Shreveport? ›

In Shreve's honor, the Shreve Town Company and the village of Shreve Town were named. On March 20, 1839, the village of Shreve Town was incorporated as the town of Shreveport.

Is Shreveport a expensive city? ›

The cost of living in Shreveport, LA is 1% higher than the state average and 8% lower than the national average. Shreveport, LA housing is 22% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 15% less pricey.

What are people from Shreveport called? ›

Shreveport, Louisiana
Time zoneUTC−6 (CST)
• Summer (DST)UTC−5 (CDT)
ZIP codes71101-71109, 71115-71166
30 more rows

What is Shreveport best known for? ›

Shreveport is probably best-known for its flashy riverboat casinos, but the city is overflowing with other activities and adventures. The annual Film Prize for short films and the Music Prize are part of the Prize Fest that attracts thousands of visitors to Shreveport.

What is the whitest parish in Louisiana? ›

White Population of Louisiana

The Louisiana parishes with the highest percentage of people identifying as white are Livingston, Beauregard, St. Tammany, Vermilion, and Jefferson Davis. Livingston is located east of Baton Rouge, while Beauregard is located in the southwest portion of the state, north of Lake Charles.

Has Shreveport ever had a white Christmas? ›

Measurable snow occurs on average once every two years. The only Christmas with snow on the ground was December 25, 1929.

Why is Shreveport population declining? ›

Shreveport's population has been in a slow decline for years due to issues like poverty, a high unemployment rate, and crime.

Who was the serial killer in Shreveport? ›

Nathaniel Code, the Shreveport Serial Killer, murdered eight people, including his own grandfather in the 1980's. Code was born in Shreveport in 1956. At the age of 20, he went to prison for aggravated rape. After his release, he started killing people.

Why is Shreveport called Ratchet city? ›

By 1999, Anthony Mandigo decided it was Shreveport's time to contribute its own style of hip-hop. He created Lava House records and brought into the industry lexicon a term he got from his grandmother — "ratchet." It became one of Shreveport's most known sounds.

What is the oldest house in Shreveport? ›

Built in 1897, the Ogilvie-Wiener Mansion is the oldest Queen Anne-style Victorian building in Shreveport and one of the largest Victorian structures in Louisiana. The 9,000-square-foot home features twenty rooms, a wrap-around porch, and fifteen-foot ceilings on all three floors.

What is the nicest part of Shreveport? ›

Below are some of the top neighborhoods in Shreveport to consider if you want to move to the area.
  • Caddo Heights, South Highlands. ...
  • Broadmoor, Anderson Isle, Shreve Isle. ...
  • Jenkins, Pinecroft Subdivision. ...
  • Southern Hills. ...
  • Benefits of Living in Shreveport. ...
  • Partner With Assurance Financial to Buy Your Home in Shreveport.

What is the most expensive house in Shreveport Louisiana? ›

A jaw-dropping Tuscan-style mansion usually reserved for the Southwestern United States has landed on the real estate market in Shreveport, Louisiana, for $3.85 million. It's the most expensive estate in the city, according to Shreveport Times.

What is the safest area in Shreveport? ›

Safest Shreveport Area Neighborhoods
  • Twelve Oaks / Lakeside on Long Lake.
  • Ellerbe Woods.
  • Lorraine.
  • Western Hills and Yarborough.
  • Lakeview.
  • Pierremont / Cedar Grove.
  • Spring Lake.
  • Freestate North Highlands West.

How many NFL players are from Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Newberg, who counts players on active NFL rosters as well as practice squad players and injured reserve lists, credits the Shreveport area with 11 current NFL players in a population of 441,000.

Did Elvis play in Shreveport? ›

Second only to the Grand Ole Opry, many claim the Louisiana Hayride was the most successful stage in music history. Elvis Presley at the Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport in 1956 with the original band.

Where in Shreveport was True Blood filmed? ›

While the town of Bon Temp, is purely fictional, much of the series' first two seasons of True Blood filmed in actual locations in Louisiana. A Victorian-era home, Austen Place (formerly known as the Oglivie-Wiener Mansion), is prominently featured in the opening credits of the HBO series.


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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.