What do do with Achievement Points (2024)

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ZOS has hinted in the past that sometime in the future they will do something with achievement points. This thread is a place for you to offer suggestions of ways we can spend our achievement points. My idea is to have an Achievement Points vendor where we can spend our points to aquire vendor exclusive items such as costumes, motifs, style pages, furnishings and blueprints, emotes, pets, mounts, skins and personalities. Some of these may require certain achievements to unlock purchasing rights but you get the idea. Their could be purchasing tiers so for example a certain item that may cost 1000 points might only be purchasable to you if you've acquired 10000 points. You have two achievment points tallies. One would be your lifetime achievement total for that character or perhaps accountwide and then your achievement wallet which would be your total spendable points which would be an accumulatuon of points over your whole account. Anyway that's just my idea. What are your thoughts on how we could spend achievement points

Edited by volkeswagon on October 15, 2020 12:41AM



  • tmbrinks


    There's already hundreds of items at achievement furnishers all over Tamriel...

    Many skins in the game are already unlocked by just getting achievements...

    Certain houses are already only purchasable for those with certain achievements...

    Link to forum thread

    Tenacious Dreamer - Hurricane Herald - Godslayer - Dawnbringer - Gryphon Heart - Tick Tock Tormenter - Immortal Redeemer - Dro-m'Athra Destroyer

    The Unchained - Bedlam's Disciple - Temporal Tempest - Curator's Champion - Fist of Tava - Invader's Bane - Land, Air, and Sea Supremacy - Zero Regrets - Battlespire's Best - Bastion Breaker - Ardent Bibliophile - Subterranean Smasher - Bane of Thorns - True Genius - In Defiance of Death - No Rest for the Wicked - Nature's Wrath - Undying Endurance - Relentless Raider - Depths Defier - Apex Predator - Pure Lunacy - Mountain God - Leave No Bone Unbroken - CoS/RoM/BF/FH Challenger

    63,365 achievement points




  • zaria


    It could be stuff like furniture, titles or dyes.
    One potential issue is that they will be easier and easier to get as we get more total points.
    So an T-shirt with done all the achievement points will not be true in 4 years What do do with Achievement Points (4)

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.



  • mairwen85


    Do do 😂



  • SirAndy


    They have been using certain achievements to adjust drop rates for items for a long time already ...
    What do do with Achievement Points (7)




  • volkeswagon


    SirAndy wrote: »

    They have been using certain achievements to adjust drop rates for items for a long time already ...
    What do do with Achievement Points (9)

    I think alot of that is just rumours, theories without actually proof. Like those who believe Master Angler increases perfect roe when it doesn't. But anyway that's a different topic.

    Edited by volkeswagon on October 15, 2020 12:53AM




  • SirAndy


    volkeswagon wrote: »

    SirAndy wrote: »

    They have been using certain achievements to adjust drop rates for items for a long time already ...
    What do do with Achievement Points (11)

    I think alot of that is just rumours, theories without actually proof.

    I'm not going to dig through 7 years of patch notes, but it is in there. And Gina has posted about this in the past as well.
    What do do with Achievement Points (12)

    Edited by SirAndy on October 15, 2020 1:13AM




  • Yeah that would be cool. I like the idea of having specific achievements give certain titles, costumes, dyes, etc., but also having a store that you can use to buy other things. More stuff is very often more fun.

    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster



  • idk


    tmbrinks wrote: »

    There's already hundreds of items at achievement furnishers all over Tamriel...

    Many skins in the game are already unlocked by just getting achievements...

    Certain houses are already only purchasable for those with certain achievements...

    Pretty much this. Zos has done a lot with achievements and it works well.



  • UntilValhalla13


    It'd be nice if the achievement points were account wide, instead of character. My crafter has never done a trial in his life, and my trials characters have never crafted, etc.




  • SilverBride


    Let us buy crowns with them.





  • MKintr


    I don't want more of this madness of useless crap just to have it and never use it.
    Also don't give them ideas how to trick us into more grinding.




  • gatekeeper13


    OP is talking about achievement points, not just achievements. As it is right now, people only do achievements that will help them unlock specific skins, houses etc. and ignore achievements that offer nothing.

    It would be a nice idea if ZOS added a new Achievement Vendor with special items that would require reaching specific points to be able to buy them. e.g. a mount that will require 20k points reached, a skin that will require 30k points etc

    As it is now, people dont even bother completing non-rewarding achievements and lot of content stays dead.

    Edited by gatekeeper13 on October 15, 2020 10:48AM




  • Sarannah


    Personally I would foremost want achievement points changed somewhat. Where we can assign 1 main character on our account(unchangeable), and no matter what character we get whatever achievement on, that main character gets it also. So not accountwide, but accountwide enough so that it won't lock you down to just one character. Simply because you would want the achievements on your main character.

    On giving bonusses with achievement points: I feel this is currently already in the right spot. Some achievements give something, while others are just there to be an achievement. We shouldn't get into the situation that players 'need' to do achievements just for the bonusses they give, and would feel bad for not getting them.




  • Husan


    Account bound achivements would be a great start.

    Second, it would be nice to have anything at all for reaching a certain amount of achievement points. I really like the GW 2 system:

    Guild wars 2 wiki wrote:

    Once you reach enough achievement points, you will be granted achievement rewards, including an achievement chest, permanent account bonuses, laurels, coins, gems, and unlockable reward skins. Achievement rewards are awarded for every multiple of 500 achievement points, except for the first reward which is awarded for 100 points.

    Players are also awarded a title at every 5,000 achievement point interval.

    You get permanent account bonuses such as minor bonus to all exp, and gold I believe. And the reward chests contain all sorts of useful stuff (in ESO could be similar to daily login rewards, daily random dungeon completion etc).

    Edited by Husan on October 15, 2020 11:13AM




  • Danikat


    Guild Wars 2 has a system like this. Individual achievements often give a reward, but there's also rewards for reaching a certain number of achievement points. The main rewards are weapon and armour skins and titles which can't be obtained any other way but it also gives some consumables and the big milestones even give small amounts of cash shop currency.

    It can be an effective way to get people to do achievements they might not otherwise bother with. There's been times when I've noticed I'm close to getting my next achievement chest and I'll look for achievements I could finish which will give me enough points to get it, whereas in other games I don't care about my total achievement points at all.

    The downside is of course that if someone really likes a skin or title which comes from one of the higher achievement point totals it can be really disheartening to see how much it would take and feel like they'll never be able to do it, or it would take years.

    The big problem I see with doing that in ESO is that achievement points are separated by character. Firstly this means either you only get rewards the first time you reach that milestone, or they need to be things which are worth getting multiple times (aka not collectables) and IMO it's harder to make those appealing because it's either something you use up like consumables or something you may not use at all like a weapon which might not have the right stats.

    Secondly it means it will be harder for many people to reach the higher totals. None of my characters are ever likely to get all the achievements in ESO because I use them for different things. I have a dedicated crafter, so my other characters don't craft. Most of them don't join the Thieves Guild or Dark Brotherhood. Some of them will almost certainly never do vet dungeons because they're not set up for it and I'm not interested in creating and learning a new build just to repeat achievements for the sake of the points. Either the system would have to allow for that by making higher tier rewards less desirable, ZOS and players would have to accept that the system is only aimed at people with 1 character and won't appeal to everyone else (in which case is it worth the time and effort to build it?) or they'll have to find some way to merge achievement points across characters.

    PC EU player | She/her/hers | PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    "Remember in this game we call life that no one said it's fair"




  • Provin915



    But seriously, there are so many achievements. I just started but I'm already dedicated on achievement hunting!

    [edited for inappropriate content]

    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on October 15, 2020 12:26PM



  • Husan



    Ofcourse. What else is there?

    Also, can we please steal the titles from Guild Wars "kind of a big deal" title track? (all referencing to The Anchorman movie)
    1 Kind Of A Big Deal 15.000 achievement points
    2 People Know Me 20.000 achievement points
    3 I'm Very Important 25.000 achievement points
    4 I Have Many Leather-Bound Books 30.000 achievement points
    5 My Guild Hall Smells of Rich Mahogany 35.000 achievement points
    6 God Walking Amongst Mere Mortals 40.000 achievement points

    What do do with Achievement Points (24)

    [edited to remove quoted content]

    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on October 15, 2020 12:26PM




  • volkeswagon


    So i guess it would make sense that the spendable achievement points from an Achievement would only be added to your wallet the first time you reach that Achievement no matter which character reaches it first due to the fact that people have different characters with different purposes and skills. That way people can't farm points by getting easy achievements on multiple characters




  • Goregrinder


    tmbrinks wrote: »

    There's already hundreds of items at achievement furnishers all over Tamriel...

    Many skins in the game are already unlocked by just getting achievements...

    Certain houses are already only purchasable for those with certain achievements...




  • volkeswagon


    Keep in mind I'm referrring to spending Achievement points not the achievements themselves. 2 thirds of the achievements in the game don't offer any kind of reward other than points that you can't do anything with. So many achievements give 15 points but nothing else so there is no reason to achieve them unless they combine to unlock other achievements.



  • Goregrinder


    volkeswagon wrote: »

    Keep in mind I'm referrring to spending Achievement points not the achievements themselves. 2 thirds of the achievements in the game don't offer any kind of reward other than points that you can't do anything with. So many achievements give 15 points but nothing else so there is no reason to achieve them unless they combine to unlock other achievements.

    But if you spend points, then you would need a way to refill those points. And once you unlock an achievement on one toon, you can't get that achievement on that toon again. SO there may be a point where you unlocked all achievements and spend all your earned achievement points, and could no longer buy anything else since you have no more points to spend on that toon which would bring you back to square one.




  • volkeswagon


    Then they could just have items that everyone gets for reaching certain point tiers. Or a store with items you buy with gold that are only available if you reach a certain total of achievement points

    Edited by volkeswagon on October 16, 2020 12:35AM



  • Ekzorka


    I just want to see a cross-characters achievements. Because I'm tired of situations where everyone asks you to tank, but when you want to get the same achieve on your main DD everyone just leave you.




  • idk


    Sarannah wrote: »

    Personally I would foremost want achievement points changed somewhat. Where we can assign 1 main character on our account(unchangeable), and no matter what character we get whatever achievement on, that main character gets it also. So not accountwide, but accountwide enough so that it won't lock you down to just one character. Simply because you would want the achievements on your main character.

    On giving bonusses with achievement points: I feel this is currently already in the right spot. Some achievements give something, while others are just there to be an achievement. We shouldn't get into the situation that players 'need' to do achievements just for the bonusses they give, and would feel bad for not getting them.

    Over the course of years, I have seen people change their main character and they wanted the achievements on that character. It is pointless to have the character we no longer really want to play getting credit for the achievements. BTW, I am in favor of an account-wide achievement system.

    I have seen it done well in another game where the title for a major achievement, clearing a raid on the most difficult setting, was not shared but the achievement could be seen on all characters. Outside of that title issue, I have not seen a good reason to not have account-wide achievements.



  • Beardimus


    volkeswagon wrote: »

    ZOS has hinted in the past that sometime in the future they will do something with achievement points. This thread is a place for you to offer suggestions of ways we can spend our achievement points. My idea is to have an Achievement Points vendor where we can spend our points to aquire vendor exclusive items such as costumes, motifs, style pages, furnishings and blueprints, emotes, pets, mounts, skins and personalities. Some of these may require certain achievements to unlock purchasing rights but you get the idea. Their could be purchasing tiers so for example a certain item that may cost 1000 points might only be purchasable to you if you've acquired 10000 points. You have two achievment points tallies. One would be your lifetime achievement total for that character or perhaps accountwide and then your achievement wallet which would be your total spendable points which would be an accumulatuon of points over your whole account. Anyway that's just my idea. What are your thoughts on how we could spend achievement points

    The first year I played I was pretty gutted to find these points are pointless.

    Pinging up all the time, I legit thought they meant something. Nope.

    That said at this time it doesn't feel like we need yet another currency

    Xbox One | EU | EP
    Beardimus : VR16 Dunmer MagSorc [RIP MagDW 2015-2018]
    Emperor of Sotha Sil 02-2018 & Sheogorath 05-2019
    1st Emperor of Ravenwatch

    Alts - - for the Lolz
    Archimus : Bosmer Thief / Archer / Werewolf
    Orcimus : Fat drunk Orc battlefield 1st aider
    Scalimus - Argonian Sorc Healer / Pet master

    Fighting small scale with : The SAXON Guild
    Fighting with [PvP] : The Undaunted Wolves
    Trading Guilds : TradersOfNirn | FourSquareTraders

    Xbox One | NA | EP
    Bëardimus : L43 Dunmer Magsorc / BG
    Heals-With-Pets : VR16 Argonian Sorc PvP / BG Healer
    Nordimus : VR16 Stamsorc
    Beardimus le 13iem : L30 Dunmer Magsorc Icereach



  • Grianasteri


    Allow achievement points to be exchanged for Crown gems.

    Ive no idea what a fair ratio would be. But it is ridiculously slow and difficult to gain crown gems, unless you dump a metric ton of real like money into the game.

    Edited by Grianasteri on October 16, 2020 1:21PM



  • Chaos2088


    Would be good if they had some special zone behind achievement points, needing a certain lvl to unlock, like a bubble realm in oblivion that has a ton of nodes you could farm or something like that’s. Or special skins, mounts, houses, items, hair styles, personalities etc that you can buy from a vendor with gold but need certain point lvl to unlock.

    Will be interesting to see what they come up with What do do with Achievement Points (35)

    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP



  • PizzaCat82


    Post em on the forums and compare egos with other achievement hunters.




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What do do with Achievement Points (2024)


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